5 Email Subject Lines

To Bring In New Students in 2021

I’m going to be very blunt- it’s time to grow your business. There have been SO MANY obstacles to overcome, but with the new year starting we are not going to use that as an excuse anymore. 

Repeat after me: 

I will promote my business without guilt.

I will reach out to leads and inactive students and ask them to sign up. 

Sales emails are something you need to do to get new students in the door. It’s true that you may send out 800 emails and only a small percentage will open it and and even smaller percentage will sign up… but if you don’t ask the answer is always ‘no’

We are going to make it easier for you by giving you the goods.

These email subject lines will help you engage those leads and inactive students and get those students in the door. 

5 Engaging Email Subject Lines

1. “Less screen time- more dance!” 

Parents are hyper-aware that a lot of scrolling and gaming is happening due to restrictions and they are desperate for their child to do something fulfilling.

Whether it’s a zoom class or in-person class, kids need to focus on something else right now and get in some physical activity. This email subject line is a winner.

2. “Your child NEEDS an outlet and dance class is the answer.”

The stress of daily life is heavy for kids right now and creativity is so important to their well-being.

Parents want their kids to have some normalcy and your classes can be that for them. This is a subject line that will speak to parents in a big way!

3. “Let’s dance and let’s do it safely!”

The biggest barrier to entry right now is a concern for safety.

People want to get out and do things SO badly but they are worried about the risk and that is understandable. Explain to them how cautious you are being, that you are following protocol, and give them some peace of mind with this subject line!

4. “Here’s to starting 2021 off with dance!”

Everyone is in a “new beginnings” mindset and this will resonate with your customers.

Their kids will get bored with the new toys they got for Christmas, but they won’t get bored with your class 😉 Send this one out- trust us!

5. “Friendships are built on the dance floor.”

One of the biggest concerns that parents have right now is that their kids aren’t getting enough social interaction. School isn’t normal, activities have been limited and they may or may not allow playdates for their family.

Share a link to your safety protocols for reassurance in the body and lean into the fact that the dance friends are the best friends!

If you are a Streamlined Studio, you know how easy it is to send out a broadcast in your app! Give these subject lines a try (yes- all of them!) and see if you can get some new students in your door. 

If you aren’t yet a Streamlined Studio, let’s get you set up! We can make following up with leads and inactive students a breeze and help you thrive this year! 

The world needs dance right now and we encourage you to not shy away from going after new students.

Here’s to the New Year – let’s do this fam!

Comment below the next subject line you are going to use!

Your Biggest Fan,

Micaela Royer
CEO, The Streamlined Studio

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