Our 2020 Highlights

The Streamlined Studio’s Year in Review

A lot has happened this year.


But we’re not even talking about the event-which-must-not-be-named-because-we-are-all-sick-of-it.

I am talking about all things The Streamlined Studio!

We worked with Dance Ed Tips and Artist Relief Tree to put on We DANCE for Art and raised nearly $9,000! This was enough to give 36 freelance artists $250 to cover bills, groceries, and other needs during the event-which-must-not-be-named!

We put on our first Bosses Day Mini Retreat with Lia Muniz and Julie Nguyen to celebrate and empower business owners! We talked about the importance of delegation, overcoming barriers, revealing our superpowers, and SAYING YES TO YOU!

And the coolest of all? The Streamlined Studio was named the Keap Territory MVP of Sales & Leadership (Northeast U.S. & Canada) for the year, which is an absolutely INCREDIBLE achievement!


Check out other TSS 2020 Highlights!

The Do-ers Club

We transformed the monthly content planner into The Do-ers Club. We no longer just created content curated for dance studios but we provided a community to ask technology and marketing questions without judgement, led live monthly trainings, and saved studios valuable time!

We were even able to expand to The Do-ers Club to Premium where we provide an option for fully planned, customized, and scheduled posts each month to studios!

Posts created for studio owners: 527
Posts planned, customized, & scheduled for Premium Do-ers : 947
Likes for Premium Do-ers posts: 24,554
Comments for Premium Do-ers posts: 1,693
Profile visits from Premium Do-ers posts: 4,328


Automation & The Diamond Club

Of course, we continued sharing the wonders of automation with dance studios! We developed countless custom campaigns: welcomes, re-enrollments, nurtures, trials of all shapes and sizes, special events, teacher notifications, and more!

We added Studio Success Managers, automation technicians, and a more extensive support system to make sure everyone has the support they need.

We created The Diamond Club to give our automation clients a real community to receive support and guidance from. 

On top of that, we created our very first course, The Streamlined Studio In-A-Box, making automation more accessible to those technologically-inclined!

Hours in Zoom Meetings: 2,406hrs & 20min (100 Days!)
Number of Zoom Meetings: 708
Hours saved for Studio Owners: 20,000 (833 DAYS!)
Automated Emails for Clients sent: 99,837 (!!!)
Global Reach: Check out the map!

TSS Operations

The Streamlined Studio grew to a team of 16 incredible humans, all dancers, with a wide variety of strengths, a TON of patience, and the most amazing work ethic.

Each one is willing to learn new systems, move forward from mistakes, and help me continue to push The Streamlined Studio into the future. They took tasks off my plate so I could have more time to connect with clients and…well more time to just BREATHE.

Dancing team members hired AND paid: 16
Change of plans: too many to count 
Bottles of wine drank: I’d rather not say 
Tears cried: enough for a decade
Relationships built: more than I ever thought possible!
Hearts warmed: still counting 

Of course, as with any business, it was a rollercoaster of emotions the whole year.

There were times I wanted to throw my computer through the window or just curl up in a ball with a bottle of wine.

There were times I wanted to just give it all up and go find a “real” job.

In those times, I focused on my ‘why’.

Why did I start The Streamlined Studio? To give people peace of mind. To give them their lives back. To get dance teachers and studio owners back to focusing on what they love most: sharing dance with the world because I know that dance creates leaders and the world needs good people.

When you support The Streamlined Studio, you are not helping a big CEO fancy up their penthouse, you support dancers, dance teachers and families put food on the table and hug their loved ones.

Thank you for helping us spread the joy of dance and support our dance community!

2021 will not be free from ‘problems’ or ‘challenges’ but we can assure you that we are stronger than ever and here to help you every step of the way even when it gets hard.

Your Biggest Fan,

Micaela Royer
CEO, The Streamlined Studio

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